Friday, July 26, 2013

A Brief Overview Of Tanning Lotion Reviews

By Haywood Hunter

People often think of those with tanned skin as being healthy. Because of this, people try to obtain the perfect, bronzed shade. However, excessive sun exposure, such as the amount required to get a good tan, is bad for your health. It can cause problems from the purely aesthetic (wrinkles) to the seriously dangerous (skin cancer). Turning to tanning lotion reviews to find an alternative is healthier.
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In previous days, sunless tanners were ridiculed. After all, it was easy enough to get the real thing, and people didn't know about the harmful side effects, yet. Now, they are pushed as a much healthier way to get that bronzed look that people want. Of course, application and choice of type makes a big difference in whether the final results look natural or not.

For people who do want to hide that they use a tanner, however, there are gradual options that create a slight darkening that increases over a period of days. This is just about what would happen if someone went out in the sun and tanned for a while every day, which makes it easy to explain when someone asks about your new bronze shade. However, it should be mentioned that people are much less skeptical about using sunless tanners than they used to be.

A sunless tanner needs to be maintained - unlike a natural tan, it will fade quickly if you do not do regular maintenance. A tan obtained in the sun will last several weeks or months, while one out of a bottle typically lasts four to six days before starting to fade. This is because these products rely on dying the outermost skin cells, which slough off at about this rate.

All sunless tanners use essentially the same ingredients, which are safe but somewhat smelly. They can be applied in lower or higher doses, which correlates to gradual or instant products. They can also be applied as a spray, lotion, or gel. Some come on towelettes, which can be rubbed across the skin.

People who use the instant versions sometimes find it strange to look at themselves in the mirror at first. This version is also prone to streaking, since it is easier to miss an area during a single application than during the several required for the gradual versions. For maintenance, a lotion with a low dose of tanner included is a great, easy way to keep your tan intact without extra effort.

Tanners all use essentially the same ingredient, which means that they all smell essentially the same before whatever fragrance is added. This smell can be stronger or weaker depending on the product, and experts suggest that you give the 'sniff-test' to any product you are considering before buying it, because some or all products may smell intolerable to certain people.

Finding just the right shade for your skin tone isn't always easy, either. Tanning lotion reviews say that most people will need to test a new product on a piece of hidden skin before deciding whether they should use it all over. This is the only way to get a good, natural-looking result.

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