Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Important Guidelines To Water Heater Replacement

By Carol Richardson

Water heaters are not designed to last a lifetime. If you are still lacking funds on buying a replacement unit, it is better to maintain it as often as possible. However, once your water heater reaches the end of its lifespan, you have no choice but to replace it with a new one. Do not let problems to escalate by detecting signs of damage in the early stage. Having a water heater in a poor condition can be a great inconvenience to you and your family.

Before inspecting your water heater, always make sure you have a safe environment to work with. You can start by shutting down your circuit breaker or gas supply valve before you proceed. If you see water puddles near the base of your unit, wipe it immediately to avoid splashing the electrical conduits. This is very dangerous, especially if your heating source hasn't been turned off properly. Inform everyone in your household not to touch the circuit breaker while you check your water heater. It also helps bringing a friend or two to accompany you just in case something unexpected happens. If you don't have enough experience working with your water heater, it is wise to consult a specialist immediately.

Using a decade-old water heater is not convenient, especially if it doesn't meet your hot-water needs. It's about time to consider buying a replacement water heater once your old unit stops working efficiently. There are times when you are stuck with a leaking water heater, without even knowing the cause of it. Avoid this by maintaining your tank regularly to check for signs of leaks. When lost, it is safe to assume that water leaks are coming from deteriorated side-wall seam, welded joint or steel thread. Unfortunately, this kind of damage is beyond any repair that replacing it will be your only way out. Do not attempt to install your tank without the help of a professional.

Check your thermostat setting if you find your water not hot enough. Change the settings and wait until you have a stable temperature. If this doesn't work out, there may be heavy sediments at the bottom of your tank, making it difficult to heat cold water. Once your dip tube and internal components deteriorate, expect your water heater to stop running smoothly. Rust and corrosion development are signs of a timely water heater replacement.

You may notice a wire screen attached in your water tap. This screen is called an aerator, responsible for producing a smooth flow of water from your faucet. If your unit is generating water for a short period of time, look for chunks of plastic inside your aerator by unscrewing it. Sometimes, your unit may not be producing enough hot-water as it used to due to a heavy sediment buildup. Again, flush and drain your tank if the problem continues.

It is best to keep your dip tube in tip-top shape to prevent cold water from entering your hot-water pipes. This dip tube is designed to lead cold water directly at the bottom of the tank where it can be heated properly. Warm water would then rise to the top of the tank all the way to your hot-water taps. Having a damaged dip tube will prevent cold water from being heated at the burner.

If you don't get rid of the sediments on time, holes may start appearing right at the bottom of your tank. Unfortunately, this kind of damage is beyond any repair. Patching holes wouldn't be a good idea since this will only reduce the efficiency of your water heater. It is recommended to drain and flush your unit twice a year to avoid clogging your drain valve and pipe connections. Do not allow this to happen as it will be difficult to pump water from the top part of the tank. Some may vacuum the sediments out, but doing this will only be a waste of your time and money since your internal tank has already rusted.

Before replacing your water heater, make sure to check all areas thoroughly. Several water heater issues may not always need a replacement. However, it is wise to replace your unit right before your old heater breaks down. Doing this gives you more time in looking for the best heating system for your hot-water needs. Modern water heaters out in the market are more efficient and can help reduce your energy consumption. Investing in a cost-efficient unit is more convenient than spending a lot of money on frequent water heater repairs.

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