Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What To Text A Girl You Like If You Haven't Texted Her Before

By Zeynel Bakema

When trying to figure out what to text a girl you like, there are 7 pitfalls that you should keep in mind. Most guys screw up their chances of attracting a girl by committing one or more of these 7 mistakes, but after you read this article, you will never be one of them.Don't try to write a bunch of things about yourself that you think is going to impress her. Save the long war stories, accomplishment list, and general DHV's (demonstrations of higher value) for when you two are face-to-face or on the phone.
[What To Text A Girl You Like]

If you met her on a bus after she unintentionally hit you with a bag - an event that resulted in a short yet fun conversation that led to her giving you her number, then you can text her a day or two later reminding her of that event. Say something like, "Hey, it's Tom - remember me? You almost killed me with your bag on the bus? Have you decided to replace the bricks in them with something more lightweight yet?"

Try to keep your texts short and concise. The impression you are trying to sub-communicate is that you are a busy guy who almost don't have time to text her.She is use to guys asking her all kinds of generic questions so you definitely don't want to come off as just another guy. Plus too many questions are annoying. Instead, phrase your questions in a more interesting way. For example, instead of, "Hey, what's up?" you could say, "Hey brat, what are you doing...besides obsessing about me? lol "If the girl is foreign and doesn't speak perfect English, try no to use any slangs or abbreviations that might confuse her. Be a little more basic and to the point.

Another goal of learning what to text a girl you like is to keep the anticipation and flirting going until you see her again. Face it: you will get into far less trouble if you text her too little compared to if you text her too much. Having said that, always keep your messages short and try to avoid talking about anything deep through text. Meaningful conversations should always be kept for actual conversations in person - remember that.

So don't multi-tread. Wait until she answer your first question before asking the second one. Just remember to keep your generic questions to a minimum.If the girl didn't save your name on her phone she might not know who you are, so be sure to sign your name at the end. You might also want to add a little descriptor of yourself like, "Joe from the concert."By doing this it avoid the awkward "Who is this?" text that can kill some of the momentum.Excessive caps and punctuations like exclamation marks and question marks can make your messages seem overly excited. This can come of as needy, so try to keep the caps and heavy punctuation to a minimum.

So, if you want to know what to text a girl you like, one of the best rules to live by would be to act like you don't like her too much at all. This will tease her and keep her guessing until she falls for you herself - believe it.

Take the first message you'll be sending to the girl you like as her first impression on you. You won't be able to control how she reacts, but you can be sure that you need to make an unforgettable impression. She may delete your text, or she may read it, but your goal is to send a text message that will make her day. Text flirting can be a useful tool in making sure you occupy her mind throughout the day, as well, so think about what you can say.

Ideally, you want to text her something she can't help but reply to. Don't forget, your texts must match your purpose. For example, if you're looking to demonstrate your high value, you can send something along the lines of "I just made you check your phone for no reason!... Looks like I've got you in check:)" This kind of message portrays confidence, a bit of cocky-funny, and that you're up for having a joke with her and teasing her.

After some text flirting, it's time to ask her out on a date. Remember that you have to be sure of your intentions before even proceeding with text flirting. You don't want to lead her on if you won't follow through. When it comes to asking her out on a date, you should do this casually, so that she won't feel pressured or creeped out. However, you also have to write your text in a way that doesn't give her any chances of rejecting you.

Maybe, you need to build comfort with the girl you like, because you don't know each other that well. Send something like "You won't believe the dream I had last night!"...then just elaborate and improvise.Whichever angle you choose to play, don't forget that deciding what to text the girl you like is both an art and a science. Your artwork comes in the form of improvisation and creativity; be unique and tailor your texts to your real life scenarios. The science comes from the formula of deciding upon your purpose for texting her, and write your messages accordingly.

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